
Changes in our system

 As a company we listen to our customers and we keep udating our system to fulfill their needs. The past few days we have made some changes on the Economy side of the system. The changes are specifically these: - To have a faster loading time and a better browsing experience we have filtered the active bills so the ones shown when loading the Economy section are the active bills booking pas...

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We are hiring - sales agents Italy

Are you our next sales agent? HappyBooking is a Swedish startup helping small hotels and hostels increase their profit with an easy to use SaaS solution and extensive insight into the market. Apply today! We will provide training and help to get you started! Choose your own working hours Sell by visiting hotels and hostels close to you or by phone from your home We will provide free trai...

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Upcoming service change

Email spam is, as probably everyone knows, a huge problem. Every online service that sends a larger amount of email needs to keep a close eye on this subject to not be listed as a known spam offender on the online lists that track spam senders. HappyBooking sends in the range of hundreds of emails each day, confirmations to the guests, copies to the facilities and various informational emails. ...

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Ett urval av våra kunder

  • Untitled -2
  • Gasthaus _pyorealogo

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