
Should the hospitality industry be tempted to speed up its adoption of technology?

The hotel industry is going through a period of unparalleled, irreversible changes that should make it look very different in the next five years compared to how it is now. Gone are the days when hotels used to hand over clunky metal room keys to guests and scribble details into a heavyweight guest register to record guest information and assign rooms. To be able to rise to the new technology...

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How to find your hotel’s brand voice in a crowded marketplace.

The reason a customer buys from you rather than a competitor can be rather complex to understand. It’s easy to assume that a guest is looking only for the cheapest room, motivated by price. But in fact, each prospective guest goes through a decision making process, a journey with different touch points or stages as they go from a point of discovery through to the final decision to buy. Each s...

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Managing cybersecurity as a hotel operator.

So, why are hotels targeted? In short, hotels collect, store and process a huge amount of information and personal data on their guests, customers, meeting delegates, staff, partners, vendors, etc.The hospitality industry has seen a growth in the number of cybersecurity and data privacy concerns, with some recent high-profile data breaches. The most recent and one of the largest was the breac...

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Smarta prissättningsstrategier för små hotell och operatörer

För att generera maximalt med vinst från en rumsreservation så kommer du som hotelloperatör att behöva anamma ett robust angreppssätt till er prissättningstrategi. Hur ni som hotell sätter era priser kan ha en direkt inverkan på hur sista raden ser ut och vad ni har för rykte om er i marknaden. Att ta fram en prissättningsstrategi Att sänka priserna kan initialt skapa lite intresse i er produ...

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How to harness technology to improve your hotel’s guest experience.

The future of the hospitality industry is being driven by a complex set of converging technology forces that are making the industry re-think how it interacts with customers and manages the guest experience. The hospitality industry will look very different in 2020 compared to how it is today. The industry has been known as a slow integrator of new technologies and innovations into everyday h...

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  • Gasthaus _pyorealogo

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