
Hiring a developer

We are expanding our development department and are looking for a skilled .Net developer! Are you one, or do you know someone who might fit our team? Send them our way! We are flexible with location, working remotely is not an issue. In the coming months we will be starting a new and exciting project, using a modern tech stack. Don't miss out on this opportunity!

New mobile apps

Finally both our iOS and Android apps are released! This is something that we have been working on for a long time, so it's really great to finally have something that can be used by the public. This is a first release, so keep that in mind. We don't yet have a lot of features, but you can check in/out guests, see available rooms and create new bookings, among other basic things that we felt a...

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Changelog 2016-08-31

Here is a short update on what's been going on behind the scenes with development of the system! The issues below have been fixed in the past few weeks: Sometimes the layout breaks on the booking page if a limitation is blocking the booking Map channel names into something easier to understand. We get cryptic names like "hw2" from the channel manager, which can be hard to identify Occupan...

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Our family is happily growing

We continue growing as a happy family, this week  we welcome new hotels in South Africa, Italy and USA this means we reached 2 more continents. You too can become a very happy hotel manager, join HappyBooking!  

Latest changes 2016-06-21

We are continuously changing our system to provide you with the best experience and lately we have had some big changes. - New colors can be used now on the calendar and you can add them to a booking, this colors can be used freely to have a more graphic view of your guests that you need to keep a track of. - You can send SMS to your guests with any information that you want to communicate ...

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Ett urval av våra kunder

  • Untitled -2
  • Gasthaus _pyorealogo

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